Chronicle, April/May edition.

Read the church pages of this month’s Chronicle here.

If you’d like to read the full magazine (and there’s lots in it to read) please either collect one from the table at the back of church or contact us for subscription details. We can arrange to have it posted to you if you’ve moved from the parish but would like to keep in touch. The Chronicle carries news from West Hoathly, Sharpthorne and Highbrook and is published six times per year. Individual copies may be purchased at £1.50, a year’s sub is £7.

Trees – part one…

The first phase of our planned tree maintenance works has been done today and the plane tree on the south side of the churchyard is now neatly pollarded. We are very grateful for your support and generous donations which have enabled us to go ahead with this very necessary work. We hope you agree it’s a great improvement!

Worship for Good Friday.

Worship with music for Good Friday from All Saints, Highbrook, Sussex. 30th March 2023. Led by The Rev’d Heather Wilkin.
The Passion Reading, John 18:1-19:37. 

Watch here on youtube.

Music includes Ave Verum Corpus, WA Mozart,
Commit thy way, JS Bach
Christus factus est, Felice Anerio (ed. Rutter),
Good Friday Reproaches, Finlandia – Sibelius.
plus congregational hymns:
When I survey the Wondrous Cross; Were you there when they crucified My Lord; My song is Love Unknown.


APCM 2024

All Saints’ Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held on Sunday 7th April after 6pm Evensong.  All are warmly invited to attend.

Electoral Roll

Oiur APCM will be held on 7th April, after 6pm Evensong.

As part of the preparations for our APCM we review the Electoral Roll each year.

If you worship regularly at All Saints and would like to join the Electoral Roll please either pick up a form at the back of church, fill it in and leave it in the yellow folder, or download this form and email it to,

Applications need to be in by 20th March,

HIghbrook Hundred 2024

Tickets for this year’s Highbrook Hundred Club season are now on sale!

One ticket of £12 buys you a number which is entered in every draw throughout the year with a first prize of £25.  If we sell enough tickets then we’ll be able to add more prizes. Draws are on the first Sunday of the month immediately after Evensong. There’s no limit on the number of tickets you can buy and all proceeds go to the work and upkeep of All Saints’ Highbrook.  Download your form here  or pick up a form from the table at the back of church.

First draw will be after Evensong on Sunday 9th April.  For further information speak to Heather Chapman or please Hand or post completed forms and payment to Mrs Heather Chapman. Whitestone, Highbrook Lane, West Hoathly, RH19 4PL. If you’d like a specific “lucky” number please let Heather know soon.

Last year the Hundred Club raised over £300 – many thanks to everyone who bought a ticket (and there’s still the March draw to go so if you haven’t been lucky yet this month could see your ticket come up!).

Thank you!

Lent Course 2024.

This year’s Lent Course will take place at West Hoathly Vicarage, North Lane RH19 4QF on four Saturdays during Lent. Each session will start at 11.30am and end with the option of staying for a simple lunch.

Rev’d Heather will be leading 4 reflective sessions in Lent based on the book ‘Lent in Plain Sight’ by Jill Duffield – which is a devotion through ten objects.

You can buy the book if you like but you don’t need to as Rev’d Heather will be adapting it to form four sessions and will provide the relevant material for each session. The sessions will each be stand-alone so if you can only make it to one morning that’s fine!

In order that sufficient materials and lunch can be prepared for each session, please let Heather know if you would like to be part of the group and whether you would like to stay on for lunch. Please sign up on the sheet in either church or email: or ring 01342 529047.

All sessions begin at 11.30am.

Saturday 24th February
Saturday 2nd March
Saturday 9th March
Saturday 16th March.


Choral Evensong for the Second Sunday before Lent.

Evensong for the Second Sunday before Lent. Watch here via youtube.

(Apologies for the camera wobble during the first reading.)
Anthem – Fairest Lord Jesus. L Sinclair Stevenson / Trad Silesian, arr. Martin How.
Congregational hymns
All creatures of our God and King. Melody from Geistliche Kirchengesang, Cologne (1623). arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 – 1958)
Immortal, Invisible. W. Chalmers Smith / St. Denio.
Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis, Charles Hylton Stewart. Psalm 65, CM Garrett.

Click here to watch.



Chalk was blessed at our Epiphany service last Sunday. It is now available at the back of church, together with a short explanation of the tradition and a prayer. We encourage you to take some and use it to add the Epiphany blessing to your homes. We then invite you to take a photo of your blessed door and email it to Rev’d Heather. We would love to see all the homes across our parish blessed!