Coronations through the Ages

On the Sunday following The Coronation we were treated to a varied programme of music from All Saints’ Choir (with some extra guest singers) and readings devised by the readers themselves.

Watch the celebration here on youtube.

Coronations from 1066 -1953.

Musicians led by Simon Austin, accompanist Jennifer Kirk,

All Saints choir leader Claire Taylor, choir with additional guest singers.

Music Gaudete, Christus natus est.
Ubi Caritas from Durufle Requiem
Agincourt Song Pastime and Good Company – believed to have been written by Henry VIII in his youth.
This is the day the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Attributed to Osbert Parsley (1511-1585).
An anthem composed for the Coronation of Charles II by William Child (1606-1697)
Exceeding glad will he be. Handel, a coronation anthem for George II
Verleih uns Frieden – Mendelssohn
O Taste and see how gracious the Lord is. Ralph Vaughan Williams. Composed for the Coronation of Elizabeth II
The Lord bless you and keep you. John Rutter.


Interregnum news

We were pleased to welcome Helen, from The Lord Chancellor’s office, to our parishes today. Helen will be involved in the interview and selection of a new vicar for West Hoathly & Highbrook acting on behalf of The Lord Chancellor, working with our parish representatives and the Diocese of Chichester.


Annual Parochial Church Meeting and Annual Report 2023

This morning we held the Annual Parochial Church meeting for
All Saints. The Annual Report, covering 2022, can be read here.

The minutes of the meeting can be read here (with names of those attending redacted).

Our Accounts can be read here.

The Deanery Synod Report, kindly supplied by Karen from
St. Margaret’s, may be read here.

If you have any questions or would like to be supplied with a printed copy please contact



🍾 Congratulations to Joan – winner of the first 2023 draw!
Your prize is on its way. 🍾
It’s not too late to join the Hundred Club for the remaining eleven draws – see details in the post below or speak to any PCC member.

Choral Evensong for Palm Sunday, 2nd April 2023.

Choral Evensong (BCP) with choir for Palm Sunday.

Watch here on youtube.
Led by Canon David Tickner.
Music includes Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by Charles Hylton-Stewart (1884-1932). Choir.
Non Nobis Domine (William Byrd 1540-1623). Choir
Congregation hymns
Ride on, ride on in Majesty. (word Henry Milman 1791-1868, Tune Winchester New)
My Song is Love Unknown (words Samuel Crossman, 1664, music John Ireland 1879-1962).

April Works party – Thank you!


Thank you to Robin for organising this morning’s working party at All Saints’ and thank you to everyone who turned up to help. We achieved all our targets (plus a couple) for the day with pipes undercoated and door ironwork cleaned and repainted. We even cleaned the tower out! Great teamwork and fun with it. See you later in summer for round 2 when we put the top coat on and tackle a few more of those unglamorous essentials.



Hundred Club 2023

The first draw of this year’s Hundred Club will take place after next week’s Evensong for Palm Sunday.  If you’d like a chance to win in this first draw there’s still time to nab your ticket by downloading this form and returning it to Heather or another member of the PCC.