Although our churches are now open for services, our numbers are restricted and many people are not yet ready to return to our church buildings. This means are collections are considerably down, and we have had to cancel our fundraising events. At the same time, our spending has not fallen significantly and we have not reduced what we pay those kind people who keep the churches clean and the churchyards looking so beautiful.
We would love a little more support to make ends meet so if you have been wondering whether you could help the church, now would be a really good time to do so. Ideally, you may wish to support us through the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) which is tax-efficient and helps our administration. We can either send you a form to complete (please email the appropriate church treasurer, or ask Mthr Nicol) or you can phone the PGS directly. Their phone number is 0333 002 1271. You will need to have to hand: your bank account details, whether you wish to increase your gift in line with inflation each year (we hope so but if not we shall still be grateful), confirm if you are eligible for Gift Aid and the PGS code for the church you wish to give to (Highbrook: 102010161 or West Hoathly: 100610170).